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Jonas (Nursery)

Welcome to Jonas class. 

Nursery Class 2024-2025

Hello everyone, welcome to our nursery class web page. We hope that you find the information on here useful and it gives you an insight into some of the learning and experiences that take place in our class. 


Autumn 2

Welcome back everyone! We hope you all had a great half-term break and are ready for the busy term leading up to Christmas.

We will be continuing with our 'Talk for Writing' strategy to help with our Literacy skills and our topic work will be based on the theme 'Once Upon a Time'.

Our class will be celebrating World Nursery Rhyme week from 13th - 17th November and we will be sending home tips and ideas to help with reciting nursery rhymes and songs.

A big welcome to our new children and their families. I'm sure that they will enjoy coming to our nursery and will make lots of new friends.

I am here to offer help and guidance to parents with any concerns or queries that you may have. Please feel free to contact me in school.

Miss McArdle - Nursery Teacher

Mrs Hughes - Nursery Nurse


Important dates:

  • Wednesday 22nd November - Parents' Evening
  • Tuesday 28th November - Reading Showcase for Parents of Nursery and Reception children 2.15pm in the school hall
  • Wednesday 13th December - Nursery Christmas Story 10.30am and 2pm

Everyday activities to help your child's learning and development

Parents and carers play a vital role in their child's learning and development and there are lots of activities you can do at home or when you are out that will help.

  • Counting up and down the stairs.
  • Setting the table with correct amount of cutlery and plates.
  • Sorting the washing into groups e.g. pairing socks.
  • Listening to the sounds in the environment when walking to the shops/the park.
  • Using climbing equipment in the park to develop muscles and co-ordination.
  • Sharing a book and talking about the pictures and the story line.
  • Singing nursery rhymes.
  • Putting coats on independently and practising zips and fastening buttons.
  • Putting on socks and shoes.


Snack Money

Nursery snack money is £1 per week and helps towards the cost of daily snack for children, play dough ingredients and items for cookery activities. Thank you for your continued support.