Quilliam (Year 2)
Thank you for visiting our class page. Here you will find all the up-to-date information about everything we get up to in Quilliam class.
Quilliam class will have support from Mrs Ally, Miss Lind, Miss Stasik and Mrs Rogers throughout the year.
We are going to be learning lots of new and exciting things this term.
Please see our curriculum newsletter below.
Thank you
Miss Kealey
Reading books will be given to children on Friday and they are expected to return them to school by Wednesday.
Please ensure to read with your child daily.
P.E. lessons
Quilliam Class have PE every Monday. Please ensure that your child comes to school on those days in the school PE kit with a school jumper over the top if they are cold.
Times tables
By the end of year 2 children are expected to have learnt the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. The children will take part in weekly times table activities and to earn their bronze badge!
Please continue to practice these at home and use these websites to support their learning:
Make sure you connect to our school Seesaw account using the QR card for your child to see up to date daily photos and information about what we get up to in class!
If you have any questions please get in contact with me through the school office.
Online Learning