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Roscoe (Year 3/4)

Welcome to Roscoe Class! We are a mixed Year 3/4 class.

Our class teacher this year is Miss Ball and we are very lucky to also be supported in our learning by Miss Taylor, Mrs Kenny and Mrs Molloy.



In Maths, both Year 3 and 4 will have a strong focus on multiplication and division. Year 3 need to become secure in 2,3,4,5,8 and 10 times tables. Year 4 should be secure in all times tables up to 12 x 12.

Later in the year we will focus on length and perimeter, fractions, money and time.

Times tables:

By the end of Year 3 children are expected to have learnt their: 2,10,5,3,4 and 8 times tables. In June each year, Year 4 children are tested on their 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and 12 times tables. Please continue to practise recall of multiplication facts  at home and use these websites to support your child with their learning: Times Table Rockstars and


Words will be investigated and learnt during the daily class lessons. Spelling lists will no longer be sent home.

See below the words children in Year 3/4 should be able to spell by the end of the year:


Reading books will be given to children on Fridays. Please return them to school by the following Wednesday. We would be very appreciative if you could support your child in developing their reading skills at home. 

P.E lessons:

Roscoe Class have PE every Friday.  Please ensure that your child comes to school on Friday in school PE kit with a school jumper over the top if they are cold. 


Homework will be set every Friday and should be returned to school by the following Wednesday. Children will also be given a termly homework grid with lots of activities to choose from. It would be wonderful to see as many of these completed as possible!